His Character

Who’s the most interesting person (or people) you’ve met this year?
Today’s twist: Turn your post into a character study.

Although I haven’t just met him this year, I feel as though I meet him every single day for the first time. He comes out with something new and I’m in awe. I’d say I am caught by surprise 70% of the time these days. He is amazing to me, a marvel. His many expressions, his vocabulary, and his personality trickling out each waking day, right in front of my eyes. He is my 33 months old son and is the most interesting person I keep meeting everyday.

He furrows his dark eyebrows when asking curious questions. His close-mouthed, sideways smile tells me he is unsure of the person trying to make him smile. He stays as close to me as possible and refuses to move away, when he’s feeling shy around people, especially new ones. He runs out of breath when he’s excitedly describing something, especially if it’s to do with his favourite cartoon, Octonauts. He loves to laugh at funny sounds and stories that I create and asks me to repeatedly say/do them, which sometimes can backfire, because he finds them less funny the more I say/do them. He likes to use the word marvellous when he’s achieved something big, like climbing a very long flight of stairs or doing a pee in his potty. He likes to show off his dexterity in front of family such as grandparents, so that he gets praises. He has a gentle manner around other children. He never invades their space, but is happy to play alongside them. He interacts if or when they talk to him.

This is my son and I am so happy that I have met him and continue to do so each day.

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