About Ethiopian Mama

The title says it all, really. I’m a 30+ year old mother from Ethiopia who’s been an Australian since 2011. This blog is another way for me to express my feelings and thoughts. I am starting to get that writing desire and what better way to fulfil it than through WordPress. I was part of the Writing 101 class of June and I highly enjoyed the results of the writing challenges.  I came out with some positive thoughts and humour in my posts. I like happiness, what can I say!

Through my blogging journey, I hope to share some of my story growing up in Ethiopia and Kenya, living in Australia, my interest in music, photography (the header photo above was taken by me) and technology, general thoughts about life and the things that come along with motherhood. Please stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

7 thoughts on “About Ethiopian Mama

  1. I lived and taught school in Ethiopia (in Lalibela and Addis Ababa) for 2 years leading up to the 1974 Coup. You were not even born then! But, I look forward to your tales of growing up in Ethiopia. Judy


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